Personal Consumer & Commercial Lawsuit Attorneys in Plant City, Florida
People are often involved in personal or business disputes. Some disputes may be easily resolved. Most require at least a conference with an experienced attorney to avoid problems that may be difficult or impossible to unravel if you act on your instincts and then find out the law has requirements that you didn't comply with because your non-attorney reaction and what the law requires are two different things. When your informal attempts to resolve a problem with a merchant , a vendor, financial institution or customer do not resolve the problem, it normally is time to obtain the assistance of an experienced attorney. If a letter from an attorney will resolve the matter, Harley Herman has over 40 years of experience writing effective letters that demonstrate your willingness to pursue your legal remedies, if necessary. He also represents clients in pre-suit mediation which frequently resolves disputes without the need for a lawsuit. When a matter isn't resolved through these means, Harley's experience representing thousands of clients in court is available to both protect your rights and often motivate a reluctant party into resolving a case at court-ordered mediation. Whether you are involved in personal consumer or commercial lawsuits, as a Plant City dispute resolution and lawsuit attorney, Harley Herman will provide effective assistance.
Dealing with a Business Dispute?
Plant City Attorney for Your Personal and Consumer Disputes and Lawsuits
Harley Herman is a Plant City attorneys who diligently works on your behalf for all personal and consumer lawsuits.
No matter what the nature of your dispute giving rise to a lawsuit, Harley will discuss the issues with you. For your convenience, he offers evening, weekend and even holiday consultations. He will review the facts of your case and discuss with you all of your options. Harley will work with you to develop a plan of action that you determine to be in your best interest. In some cases, filing or defending a lawsuit is ultimately the only choice. If settlement of the lawsuit seems prudent, he work for you to get the best possible outcome. When going to trial becomes the only viable option, Harley will thoroughly prepare your case to see that the facts and issues required for a favorable decision are properly presented to the court. When a dispute arises, please give Harley a call and let him advise you as to your options and legal rights.
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