Wills, Probate & Estates Attorneys in Plant City, Florida
While few people like to talk about planning for a time when they're no longer here, creating a will and estate plan is something that every adult should do so that their heirs and loved ones are able to carry out their specific wishes without getting caught up in family squabbles. This is particularly important for parents with minor or young adult children, though few think of obtaining even a basic will with guardianship provisions so that their children will be protected in the event of an unexpected accident or illness.
Planning for the needs of grandchildren who may lack the ability to handle a significant inheritance is also a need that is frequently overlooked. Taking the time to plan out your estate will also help preserve the wealth that you've built, allow it to be used as you'd like and protect it from unnecessary taxes. During the past 40 years of practice, it has become clear that when you don't have a will or prepare an internet will without legal advice, the additional costs of transferring wealth and assets far exceed the cost of a will or trust that is properly prepared by an experienced lawyer.
Still worse, an improperly prepared or no will can result in someone you didn't intend to inherit or make a claim against your assets inheriting or acquiring the assets you worked hard for, intend of your intended beneficiaries.
For Skilled Legal Counsel
Why Consult With Plant City Attorney, Harley Herman?
As one of the major practice areas that Harley Herman works with, and an area that Harley frequently teaches to attorneys at legal seminars estate planning, will and trust creation, Harley has helped thousands of families through the probate process when probate work becomes necessary. He stays up-to-date on the latest laws and understand how they affect your estate. Harley works to find the simplest way to transfer assets following the loss of a loved one. If no probate or a simple probate is possible, Harley will inform you of those options, so that you can either avoid the cost and work involved in probate, or minimize this expense.
Unlike taking a do-it-yourself route and creating legal documents online, when you work with Harley Herman you know that your documents are in line with local and state laws and that they are valid and will hold up in court. It's hard to know whether or not the homemade ones that are done with software or online will be valid in the future. Regrettably, when an estate planning document is finally tested by submission to a probate court, it is too late to revise or correct errors that would not be evident at the time of signing to anyone but an experienced wills, trust and probate attorney.
Among the legal services Harley Herman in Plant City, Florida offers are:
- Wills or Trusts- Creating a document that thoroughly outlines how you want your assets to be disbursed following your death is one of the most loving things you can do for them. This document may need to be updated periodically though for many clients a simple will will stand the test of time. If you pass on without a will, the state's plan for your estate may differ from what you had in mind. In some circumstances, a trust may be a preferable way to handle both lifetime and post-life property transfers and legal affairs. Harley Herman will discuss your options and the benefits of using wills or trusts for your estate planning needs.
- Health Care Surrogate Designations, Living Wills and Power of Attorneys Health Care Surrogates are used during those times when you are unable to discuss your care with your health care providers. It could be needed while you are unconscious during surgery, or during recovery. It could be needed if you suffer a longer care disability. When needed for temporary inability to talk with your providers, your right to make decisions resumes immediately upon your recovery. Living Wills deal solely with the issue of whether life-prolonging devices are used in an end-of-life situation. Power of Attorneys are used when you either elect to have someone handle one or more of your legal affairs (such as being out of the area when a property sale is closing) or when you no longer have the ability to handle your business and monetary affairs. It is a powerful document that Harley Herman can discuss to determine whether it should be prepared and signed at this time, or at a later date.
- Probate- This need not be a time-consuming and complex process, if you receive the advice and guidance of an experienced attorney. During probate the deceased person's property is identified, creditors and beneficiaries are determined and then the property is distributed according to the will.
Work with Attorney, Harley Herman
Whether you need legal assistance to deal with the estate of a loved one who has recently passed away or if you're ready to create documents to make it easier on your loved ones when you pass on, Harley Herman is here to help you. Harley will create a customized wills, trusts and related documents to meet your needs. As time goes on, if your situation or circumstances change, he can help you revise your documents to reflect the changes.
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